• Routes forestières

    La carte montre les routes forestières légales et illégales dans les six pays du Bassin du Congo.
  • Fires real time

    Near real time updates of fire hotspots capture by NASA satellites, covering Central and North Africa
  • Feux en temps réel

    Mise à jour presque en temps réel des points de feu capturés par les satellites de la NASA couvrant l'Afrique Centrale et du Nord.
  • Aires Protégées

    The map shows in green colors the boundaries of protected areas in 6 countries of the Congo Basin
  • Protected Areas

    The map shows in green colors the boundaries of protected areas in 6 countries of the Congo Basin
  • Le bassin du Congo

    This maps shows great bodies of water - rivers and lakes - of the six countries of the Congo Basin
  • Deforestation

    This map features the latest data processed by the University of Maryland for its Global Forest   Change. For additional information about these results, please see the associated journal article (Hansen et al., Science 2013)....
  • Deforestation

    Forest height 2011 Remote sensing data showing forest height. Brighter greens correspond to higher vegetation cover. Fish bone patterns indicate roads and human activity. 0mHeight73m Source:NASA Deforestation 1976 – 1991 The hatched yellow areas...

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